How to Choose the Tight Toys?

How to Choose the Tight Toys?

How to choose the right toys for your children's birthdays.

Choosing the right toys for your children is something a lot of parents put a lot of thought into. Some seem to wing it and get it just right and others seem to stress over it and have angst over decisions. I think that some kids are certainly easier to buy for which helps, and there are lots of suggestions around, but is there an easier way? Probably not.

I've always tried to stick by my own made up guideline of something they want, something to add to, something I choose and something educational. 

So generally that includes some form of fad item or 'hot' brand new toy on the market that the kids are drooling over. We don't go overboard but I do like to get something off their list that I would never choose myself. It's the excitement and joy I get from seeing them unwrap the bestest ever thing they could ever have wanted. Even if that item will be forgotten in a few months or relegated to play date material. It might not be an expensive item but certainly something they are longing for.

Something to add to is easy, its usually an add on for something they already have. In the younger years that was things like animal collections, train sets, doll clothes for a doll or even adding to the SIKU collection.

Something I choose is a bit subjective, but usually represented something I liked and was happy to see all over the floor, something I knew I would enjoy using or playing with them so more likely to get used, or something that I thought they wouldn't pick but would actually enjoy.

Lastly, something educational. For us this has always been games and puzzles and educational activities.

Would love to know how you shop for your kids.

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